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Long weekends are lovely

Pickles & Chapstick: Long weekends are lovely

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long weekends are lovely

18 weeks
Olvera Street in Downtown LA.

I kicked off my long weekend by leaving work at noon (hip hip hooray!). I drug my co-worker with me to Olvera Street. I had to purchase some party items for my bff's birthday party next weekend. I had to rush home to report for "airport" duty. Is it sad that I'm proud of myself for knowing what terminal houses what airlines at LAX? I really need a hobby.

I am Ringo.. hear me roar
Sweet frozen treats in Manhattan Beach

Quality time w/one of my favorite pups. Even Curtis stops to smells the roses.

It was also another puppy filled weekend. I got to spend time with my "niece" Ringo and my "nephew" Curtis. I took Curtis on a long walk on Saturday afternoon. We were both so worn out from the walk I think we were both panting on the way back. Except when I was ready to leave my favorite four legged boy he wasn't having it. He refused to go into the apartment or up the steps. He kept trying to escape to where my car was. I managed to get him back into the apartment but he sat in front of the door. I tried staring him down except he took it for a staring contest and of course won. He obviously was trying to hold me captive. I tried giving him treats. When I went for the door he would knock over a chair. Finally, I had enough and I threw a treat down the hall and ran for the door. I felt like we should have been cartoon characters. Curtis & Rachel starring in "The day Curtis held Rachel hostage". Next time I'm writing my friend a note and taking Curtis home with me. I wouldn't want to spend a Saturday cooped up inside.. alone.

That night I was an emotional wreck. I had a lot weighing on my mind. I also couldn't get Curtis's sad face out of my mind either. I decided to treat myself to a movie. Except I wasn't in the mood to hit up a huge crowded movie theater. So I wound up going to the rinky dink theater by the rinky dink mall. I'm not sure what came over me to see Water for Elephants but I did. I was the only one in the theater who didn't use a senior citizen discount to see the movie. I'm not sure if the movie was that emotional or maybe it was just me. I sobbed and stuffed my face with a hot dog, nachos and popcorn and sobbed some more. There was a scene that involved the elephant. It got to the point where I was about to walk out of the movie. I also sat through the movie thinking to myself, "Why does it seem like Robert Pattinson is playing the same role over and over again? It's like watching a non-sparkly version of Edward at a circus." I mean uhh I never saw Twilight. By the end of the movie I wished I had saved my money and watched another episode of Friday Night Lights on Netflix. Lesson learned: Stick to comedies until further notice.

My Sunday morning was semi crushed when I forgot that coupons don't come in the paper over holiday weekends. Dammit! I'm determined to have at least one transaction one day where I pick out $300 worth of food and only pay under $10 for it! I did manage to save $11 bucks on a transaction. Except the food wasn't for me. It was for Lauren's upcoming birthday party. I bought French's yellow mustard for .40 cents. Yes, I'd like to brag about that! After hitting up my favorite Cantina with Hope. We decided to reward ourselves with In-N-Out. It was the first time in a long time I craved a burger. Double double animal style with animal style fries. The "McBaby" and I enjoyed every bite of our delicious meal. Ringo even wanted in on some of the action. I was selfish and didn't share. I have a feeling Ringo's still in a corner crying about it.

I also was spotting these Os with Xs in them all weekend. What the heck was that about? I just wish my Memorial Day weekend was warmer.. at least for those residents who leave by the beach. Not being able to hit up the beach over Memorial Day because it's too cold and windy stank!


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