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Pickles & Chapstick: moving

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Ugh.... moving. There's nothing I hate most than having to pack all my belongings into boxes. When I first moved to California I promised myself a few things. One was I wasn't going to own a lot of belongings and by belongings I meant furniture because it was only more crud you had to move. I also never expected to live in California as long as I have. I just turned 20 and I moved out here and I was practically living out here before then because I was always visiting. Now I'll be moving a few months after turning 29 (ugh). Well, I own a lot of crud now. My art and craft supplies take up so much room now that it probably needs a room to itself. I also have a munchkin running around and he needs more space. Having a kid also means they come with their own amount of stuff. He doesn't own a lot of toys but we have a huge book collection, LIKEaBIKE, lots of clothes, and some toys.

Since the three of us are moving we're going to have purge. There's some stuff that we'll no longer need like my couch and maybe even my dining room table and chairs (even though it is nicer side). I'll probably even sell my TV because it's smaller and we already have a bigger one. It's just hard purging your belongings but in the end these things are just things and things can always be replaced. 

The beautiful thing about being able to move is that we have family where we're moving. So I'm going to start shipping some stuff to our family's homes. It will be easier cause they can hold onto it so we don't have to worry about moving it AND the less boxes to move in those shipping containers the cheaper the move! I'm getting very excited for our big move. We'll get to see our favorite Gramma, aunt, my grandparents, Charlie's new forced bff and friends on a regular basis. I'm also looking forward to dragging Charlie and Papa to the jersey shore this summer. 

I apologize for the lack of blogging and if this post sounds a bit "foggy" it's because I am feeling "foggy". Charlie had a few seizures and scared the living crud out of his parents. He's back to normal and is on medication. He's currently trying to bang on my keyboard so that means it's time to give him my undivided attention. Here's to hoping I'll be able to post on a regular basis. Hope you all have been doing well!! xo    



At March 13, 2013 at 10:14 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Good luck with the move! I know it is hard, but I think you are taking at healthy look at it to be honest. Mentally preparing yourself for a big event is never a bad thing. Kisses to Charlie for me!

At March 13, 2013 at 9:48 PM , Blogger Mrs. Beer said...

Good LORD there is nothing I loathe more than moving!! Hopefully it passes quickly! I know you're super busy with everything and especially with your son, but I wanted you to know I nominated you to partake in this Liebster Award thingy... the deets are on my blog! Hope you find the time to participate! xoxo

At March 15, 2013 at 9:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

that is so scary about Charlie, so glad he's okay. sometimes that stuff is way harder on the parents. and where are you moving? closer to family is always better! and so many big things for you, girl! moving AND a wedding? :)


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