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a weekend in pictures

Pickles & Chapstick: a weekend in pictures

Monday, August 5, 2013

a weekend in pictures

a goodbye party

the infamous dart board

mason jars for yummy ideas (or extra vases) 

sorry but you are needed, little guy

jalapeno infused vodka

crushed red chili pepper infused olive oil 

the perfect way to celebrate an anniversary date and watch the sunset 

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At August 6, 2013 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Sara said...

WHAT. I need to try that vodka! I have heard it tastes great with watermelon type things! And that olive oil! Lemme know how they come out!

At August 6, 2013 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Buy a watermelon and cut out a hole on the top and fill it with a bottle of vodka (or as much as you want I suppose) and let it sit for a day. It tastes really good! I tried it at a friend's house the other weekend. I'll keep you posted on the jalapeno vodka and olive oil. I may just do a post about it. We infused other random items into vodka hoping that it will turn out yummy! xo


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