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Snapshots from Sunday

Pickles & Chapstick: Snapshots from Sunday

Monday, August 29, 2011

Snapshots from Sunday

I find Sundays really enjoyable. I like waking up and making lists of what I need, what needs to get done, etc. Normally I'll hit up the local Farmer's Market for locally grown produce and on occasion stop at one of my favorite places for breakfast. In the midst of documenting my Sunday, I forgot to hit up the Farmer's Market. I blame Hurricane Irene - grr! 

One of my many lists I made for the day.  
My apartment is like Florida. It's constantly at 75-80 degrees. So when I'm cleaning/organizing I have to take several 30 minute breaks in front of the fan to cool down before starting another task.  
Saturday I had the Internet installed. What does that mean? Mad Men marathons!   
Getting ready for errands.  
Reaching my feet is a struggle these days. Lauren was a sweetheart and tended to my swollen tootsies and made them look pretty.  
Lauren streamed the VMA's while I was making dinner. 
after dinner treat 


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