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Pickles & Chapstick

Pickles & Chapstick: June 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

colour my world

(photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo)


Monday, June 25, 2012

a weekend in photos

The CNN building is one of my favorite buildings in LA. Not sure why. Maybe
cause Anderson Cooper used to report on the roof?? I was overjoyed we got to
park in their parking lot on Friday.

This always cracks me up. 
It was lovely seeing some of my favorite familiar faces. We've all been very busy with life and it was nice to reconnect for a little. We may not all be as close as we used to but it's nice to know that people who have seen you at your best and worst still love the crap out of you and think you deserve better. "Your kid is the luckiest person in the world because he has you as his mom. You were born to be a wife and a mom. We're all so lucky to have you in our lives." - Probably one of the sweetest things someone could ever say. Pretty sure I almost bawled my eyes out (hormones). The only person missing was Jessi. I missed her hardcore yesterday. She was always my partner in crime when it came to music festival madness. On a lighter note - I can't wait to start taking Charlie to these types of things. We just need to get him some protective ear muffs and he'll be set!

We meet again, Ventura. It only took me five years.
(I took a similar photo five years ago - I'll have to dig it up)

Seeing faces light up when they get to watch their favorite never gets old.
You couldn't pay me to be in that crowd. A bit too rough. 

Can't remember the last time I "supported" Ozzie by guarding his camera gear.  

My Rypie & Xerina

Getting us all on the same page and to take a serious photo takes a lot of work.
Yeah... it didn't happen. 


Friday, June 22, 2012

flashback fridays

(Avalon, NJ circa 2002. Someone spent too much time out in the sun!) 


Thursday, June 21, 2012

(found here)
This is sweet yet kinda cheese worthy but today is kinda rough and this made it a little bit better.

Wednesday Wants

Kinda digging these paint chip placemats. Buy them here

Yes, this is a day late. Please forgive me. It's been a little cray cray w/work over in these parts. On a positive note - Happy Summer!!

 - This is a cute little DIY tutorial for coasters. This could be a fun little summer project!

 - If you know me, you know I have an elephant obsession. I want to get this for little C.

 - Kinda want this retro apple logo sticker. Nerd status!

 - These rings from Catbird. (been a big fan of catbird for awhile now)

 - I love these napkins


Monday, June 18, 2012

a weekend in photos

Happy Birthday, Linds!!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

my hometown

I grew up in a defunct steel town. Cold winters, hot summers, good pizza, dunkin donuts, Wawa, etc. Billy Joel wrote a song about it. Summers were spent on the Jersey beaches. I learned to drive on narrow country roads between the "holy cities". Trips to Philly where my Uncle and I would race each other on the art museum stairs and then jump up and down like Rocky. I grew up being forced to love Bruce Springsteen. I could never escape there fast enough and I now find myself longing for those things again. I recently found a bunch of these photos online. I'm using these images to "hold me over" until my next trip back east.

(photo, photo, photo, photo, photo)

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Monday, June 11, 2012

a weekend in pictures

LL Bean circa 1992 called.. they want their fleece back
(The things you find when you're "organizing" your closet. I primed a
version of the "Up" home wearing this. Not a single drop of paint on it.
That's a first!)

This is my hair in it's natural state... it's that wavy

This photo makes me so happy. My best friend, her boy & my baby.
Charlie is in love with his "Fun Aunt Lauren". It's the cutest thing!

Glad Charlie's blankets can be used as a shaw for a friend who is cold


Friday, June 8, 2012

flashback fridays

September 2007 w/Jessi & Sara
(when we thought jumping in photos was cool)

I had the opportunity to do a guest post one of my friend's blogs. This was my first guest posting experiencing. I'm very excited about it! Please hop on over to bybun to check it out! :)



Thursday, June 7, 2012

a little of this and a little of that

a good quote to live by
It's one of those weeks for me. I've been obsessed with cleaning my carpets but been having a hard time trying to find products that will do the job but aren't completely deadly. My car is.. yeah lets just not go there right now, I've paid more money in co-pays for doctor appointments (and parking for those pesky doctor's appointments) than I ever had before, I have to manage to live off of $40 until next Friday, too many art projects are unfinished, etc. On top of that I've taken work home with me every night in hopes I'll be able to "catch up" but it hasn't happened. Working late + little sleep + money troubles = migraines and exhaustion. Oh well, next week will be better. What has been keeping me sane this past week? My little fam, family visiting from out of town and a few of the things below. Hope everyone is keeping sane this week. It's almost Friday! :)

These flats are adorable! I've made three outfits with these this week (mentally of course).

These antipasto kabobs are making me hungry.
This company does organic landscaping in Los Angeles. They also do chicken coop design!! I stumped across this website when I was in search of indoor gardening ideas for vegetables. I now have dreams of raising chickens and growing my own vegetables. I'll have to keep dreaming on this one :) 

Have you always wanted to grow your own square watermelon? No? Well I'll
give you the link anyway! 

I got super excited when I stumbled upon on this. 25 summer sewing projects?!
This is great cheap summer entertainment. Especially if you're like me and hoard art, craft and sewing
 supplies like I do. 

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